Tuesday, September 26, 2017


After reading part of Maus, you are aware that Vladek is sharing memories with his son Artie.

Watch this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7WLk-KVYM4

After watching the video and reading Maus, comment on Vladek's memories of life before WWII citing specific evidence from the text. Do his memories appear REALISTIC or IDEALISTIC?


  • Your response needs to be 75-100 words. At the end of your response please put your first name, last initial, and school initials in parenthesis.
  • Your response needs to be directed to the main prompt but reflect your reading of the responses that have been made prior to your post. You cannot merely restate what those before you have stated.

Monday, September 18, 2017

2017-2018 Maus Collaboration

Art Spiegelman was born in Sweeden and immigrated to the USA when he was young. His parents are both Holocaust survivors and, after his mother's death, he was compelled to tell their story. Read more about the author Art Spiegelman go to http://lambiek.net/artists/s/spiegelman.htm. How is he qualified to share this difficult topic with the reader?

As you begin to read Maus, what are your first impressions? What do you think about the GRAPHIC NOVEL genre as a medium for conveying history? How does it differ from traditional print? Provide textual examples from Maus I chapters 1-4. 

  • Your response needs to be 75-100 words. At the end of your response please put your first name, last initial, and school initials in parenthesis.
  • Your response needs to be directed to the main prompt but reflect your reading of the responses that have been made prior to your post. You cannot merely restate what those before you have stated.